Sunday, September 5, 2010

What Can I Clean My Clitoris With

Sakineh already sentenced to 99 lashes, the prosecution of his brother

Il figlio ventiduenne  di  Sakineh, Sajjad Ghaderzadeh, intervistato dal quotidiano francese Libèration ha deciso di diffondere una lettera nella quale afferma che la madre è già stata condannata in questi giorni a subire 99 frustate dopo che il Times, lo scorso 20 agosto,  aveva pubblicato una foto senza velo  attribuita alla stessa Sakineh per errore.
Così la giustizia iraniana ha deciso di punire la donna con 99 frustate misconduct within the prison, and also accused Sakineh want to spread corruption and indecency through the photos. Ghaderzadeh Sajjad, also gave a statement to AKI Admkronos, with an appeal to the pope, to all Italians and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi for the liberation of the mother.
The Iranian Supreme Court has yet to respond, but the tension is high. In fact, the stoning of Iranian women may be at any moment.
But the campaigns and international mobilization to stop the death sentence is continuing. After the criticism and harsh words of Carla Bruni, have moved in Italy the players of Rome, first of all, Francesco Totti and the same president Rossella Sensi. For this team
Romania has also received criticism from the Iranian authorities for having interfered in the internal politics of the country.


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