because you're paranoid does not mean that you are chasing ...
Sooner or later the anger would explode in Seattle. A city surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, Lake Washington and the Seattle sound. In the mid-eighties, suddenly exploded and Seattle came out the Melvins, Green River, Mudhoney, Soundgarden and then Nirvana. Kurt Cobain is a young man from Seattle who loves the Melvins. He began slowly to enter the world of rabid music scene emerging in the city. Soon know the drummer of the Melvins, the largest group and most popular alternative, and begins to affect the first demo. But in 1987 there is the turning point. After meeting bassist Krist Novoselic and drummer Chad Channing finally decided to start a group: Nirvana. The following year the band released their first single, Love Buzz. On June 15, 1989 Nirvana released their debut album titled "Bleach." It 's a great album, angry and powerful.
In 1990 while recording the second album was replaced by Chad Channing Dave Grohl, drummer powerful and fast.
Nirvana decided to quit after their first album, by Subpop, the mother of all the label grund grunge band from Seattle and signed to DGC Records and their second album, "Nevermind," is a resounding success.
Nirvana decided to quit after their first album, by Subpop, the mother of all the label grund grunge band from Seattle and signed to DGC Records and their second album, "Nevermind," is a resounding success.
The anger, despair, and the music of Nirvana in the world suddenly exploded. An impressive record, with an incredible number of individuals for a grunge album: Smells like teen spirit, Come as You Are, In Bloom and Lithium but also contains alum and Polly Stay Away. Kurt
In 1992, the height of success he married the singer of Hole, Courtney Love, and a few months later, born Frances Bean Cobain.
In 1992, the height of success he married the singer of Hole, Courtney Love, and a few months later, born Frances Bean Cobain.
In September of 1993 ushers "In utero," the third album Nirvana, which will debut at the position numero uno di Billboard. Il 1993 sarĂ un anno magico per la band, con il primo tour in tutti gli Stati Uniti e con l'esibizione in novembre ad MTV unplugged. Nel 1994 i Nirvana iniziano un tour europeo che viene sospeso, a marzo, per le condizione di salute precarie di Kurt Cobain.
Il 4 marzo, a Roma, Kurt Cobain viene trovato dalla moglie in condizioni disperate nella sua stanza d'albergo. L'inizio della fine per il cantante dei Nirvana che, l'8 aprile del 1994, viene ritrovato morto, disteso per terra con la testa spaccata da un colpo di arma da fuoco.
Il 4 marzo, a Roma, Kurt Cobain viene trovato dalla moglie in condizioni disperate nella sua stanza d'albergo. L'inizio della fine per il cantante dei Nirvana che, l'8 aprile del 1994, viene ritrovato morto, disteso per terra con la testa spaccata da un colpo di arma da fuoco.
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