Sunday, September 28, 2008

Will Dickies Shrink If You Dry Them


to old habits ... ... merdeeeeeeeeee !!!!!
win the derby makes enjoying, period. I must admit
Mourinho that I like: the one who asked "Mister, what happened tonight?" easy answers "Milan has made a goal, not us, won the Milan" ... and then down to pull out gems like "mister, the Inter fans are not happy with the performance" and him "she has a supernatural power, has already spoken to all the Inter fans? " or again, just after the brawl is expelled ... he wants to start playing "so now the red card he pulled out " ... that strong ... unlike

that shit Gypsy Swede Zlatan who can say "tonight won the referee," bravo, have resumed old habits. and we enjoy.

Mondiali di ciclismo. Previsione sbagliata. Ma meglio così, lo scambio Grillo vs Ballan e tre italiani nei primi quattro al mondo...è più che ottimo. come più che ottima, in mondovisione, l'organizzazione della kermesse...e poi il saluto a Bettini, con Zabel al suo fianco..che figata. Varese è bellissima anche in tivì.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Black Urine And Stool

for me to win the Cricket

e tutti giù a toccarsi. in realtà non mi cambia granchè, visto il mio disinnamoramento per il ciclismo, ma il Grillo mi sta simpatico, Varese è Varese, e oggi mi è venuto un ragionamento analitico:

Contador vince i tre giri a tappe, primo da decenni dopo
Merckx, Anquetil, Gimondi e Hinault.
Bettini vince yet the World Cup, how come no one x three times in a row.
that is the agreement until next year.
back then Lance, and wins the Tour again, immortal. All

to see "if we make it" Contador, all to see "if he wins the Cricket", all attached to the upcoming Tour for Lance.
music tv, advertising, guaranteed immunity doping x of the UCI all-comedy characters.
for the next X years, X varies depending on the feeling of "clean" of cycling.

called show-biz.
and a "sport" where the crap is king, nothing else is. Go


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Side Effects Of Olimelt 10


There are things that are irrational and that's it, without wondering why or how, without being there to explain to those who can not understand ... one of them is skiing, which you get up at 4:30 I went to Ciapa arrows ... and the other is the Palio of Masnago. The Palio is to change an address for me but not home, try to keep the tension that you turn up the beat as much as possible, but it ends up that thou hast stomach cramps and the same or stare, bad, competitive, focused and your brother ... you pour the water into the vat of shit and then go with the same pitch and at the same pace as always, you do get on that kid who is the first volta, con la certezza che stai andando perfettamente, con la certezza che non cadrai come hanno fatto i tuoi amici, perchè la conosci questa gara, lo sai come va, e lo sai che alla fine anche il mezzo giro di quello davanti verrà recuperato e gli suoniamo venti secondi a tutti anche quest'anno...e lo vedi che i ragazzetti "nuovi" ti rispettano, e ti temono...come noi veneravamo Mora, come ci facevano impressione i numeri sulla bascula del Lorenzani, come sognavamo di essere lì un giorno anche noi.
E' la certezza che se l'esordiente c'ha il mal di testa perchè è una mezza sega, lo chiedi al Mario, che ovviamente ti dice "presente"...alla fine il cuore grande così l'abbiamo ereditato da lui.
And it is the big heart that makes you go against a bison that if we add up the days that he lived in Masnago not arrive at a whole, it's just a mercenary, in the medieval sense of the term "the big one foreigner who is pulled out only when needed "and that the end is too powerful for the people which has the heart that is too heavy ... and the technicality of a regulation born right before expanding the districts to increase the number of inhabitants of the most unlucky .

'd rather have a heart full of anger, frustration, cries and admiration of the cheering of all ... because in the end ... so rather than give up.
It is wrong to always be behind, or rather, is always wrong when it ends, once again, so. But then you open the book on Masnago, your country, your home, and find pieces of your story in a lot of pictures and photos in the middle is you're in front, and not like Coppi and Bartali, two seconds after I went on in the calf, with wheelbarrow, must ... and passing ...
After reading here, the emotion was strong, I hope it was hot, I hope it is negotiable ... remember what you wrote on the jersey this year ... we have not yet raised its Ciencia because the heart c'abbiamo giallonero too big.
Bertagna ... and then we are in this picture ... there is all the Pain and the Palio of 30 years, for us!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dropped Something On Toe Throbbing

November? Super

are passed over the CERN with the plane on time, but hell the black hole the mica have done!

I drank about three liters of beer in two nights, here and here no wrong. And without pay. I love working for my company.

soared and fell from a lift "Paternoster"
that in terms of security is perhaps the most dangerous thing you can put in a holding, a public building, or anywhere in general. the risk of breaking anything is a thousand, but here they use them ... oh, well ... at least the people named as a prayer.

I woke up this morning and there is a time which is shit: fog, drizzle, chilly.
willkommen in Leverkusen.